Freedom from “financial freedom”?

We talk a lot about attaining “financial freedom” so you can do what you want, when you want, and how you want.

So you can have more choices about what you do with your time – perhaps our most valuable asset.

However, getting too focussed and attached to this long-term outcome may not actually be a good thing for us.

When you finally reach that mythical “financially free” status, when you finally decide enough is enough, and you finally have ‘’enough’’ money to ‘’retire’’ on – what are you actually going to do with yourself?

What are you going to do with your time now?

We think that real freedom comes from enjoying your life and enjoying your financial journey, without being too attached to the end outcome.

Without being too attached to what money can buy and what money can do for you.

By living simply, by enjoying the things money can’t buy, by avoiding excessive consumerism, materialism and “affluenza”, by finding a vocation you truly enjoy, master and be successful in, something you would like to do whether you got paid for it or not.

By doing something meaningful with your life that will not just benefit you or your family, but the wider community and society as well – remember that when you’re gone, people won’t remember the nice house you lived in or the nice car you drove, but what you did for them and those around you.

By doing these things, we think you are more likely to achieve a truer sense of freedom, beyond what we usually talk about as “financial freedom”.

That doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t enjoy what money can buy, but if you don’t have it, then all is not lost.

It also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard in your job or business, even if it’s not your ideal job or business, as often we need to do the things that we don’t really like in order to get into a position where we can do what we really love.

Going beyond this to another level of financial freedom, is progressing from making and having money to giving it away, ie. philanthropy.

We will discuss philanthropy in more detail as this website develops, in particular the use of Private and Public Ancillary Funds.

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